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"Midnight Romeo & Electromuse"

MELOR049 - Lago$ - Midnight Romeo & Electromuse
Under his real name Luca Righi, Lago$, is a dj and music producer from Italy, kidnapped by the groove, as he says, he followed the eighties sounds waves for making his own recipe of down tempo, Balearic and funk music. After his “Green Tea Biscuit Grooves” voyage, Lago$ is proudly releasing his first Ep Midnight Romeo & Electromuse on the UK label Melodica.
We have the sauntering of lago$ two after hours tracks. Midnight Romeo is a soft Balearic ballad which will take you somewhere in Italy on the beach watching an hypnotic a sunset. It kicks off with an electronic guitar that embodies the walker in the dreamy atmosphere.
Electromuse is the waking up from the first one, as it starts slowly and build up with electronic drums. The bassline pulses as heartbeat and appears as the guide of this calming down powerful moment.

Written & Produced by Luca Righi.
Published by Dharma Songs.
(P) & (C) 2017 Melodica Recordings

1. Midnight Romeo Buy Track ( 0.77 0.70)
2. Electromuse Buy Track ( 0.77 0.70)
Buy All Tracks ( 1.47 1.33)